Can smallness and luxury really coexist?
We wanted to create a unique space on this small, limited piece of land that combines harsh conditions with magnificent views.
We imagine this place will continue to stand on this cliff for a hundred years to come.

百 (momo)は、
The name "momo," which means "100," comes from Momoto Fumiagari, a princess from the Ryukyu Kingdom who was laid to rest in the forest below. The theme is "solitude," meaning the enjoyment of your own time and space. We value the luxury of quiet time and the richness of being with nature. When you need a place to quiet your mind away from the hustle and bustle of the city, here smallness turns into luxury, and you will find peace in nature. We hope to protect this tranquility together with this place for the next 100 years.

On a piece of land with spectacular views overlooking the sea and forest, we have created a one-of-a-kind space that combines "smallness" and "luxury." It has a 2m x 4m cave-like outdoor living room and kitchen with a panoramic view of the southern part of the island from high ground. There is a dome tent that separates you from everyday life. It also has an infinity pool that changes its appearance with the time of day or season. Please take your time to enjoy a special time that can only be experienced here.

「百 momo」では、地元の新鮮な食材を活かした特別なディナーをご用意しています。
momo offers a special dinner made with fresh local ingredients. Cooking by a visiting chef will make your stay even more special. You can enjoy dishes using an abundance of local seasonal ingredients to be both visually beautiful and heartwarming. Enjoy a memorable dinner in a space just for two.

Nanjo City in Okinawa Prefecture is home to many places steeped in history and culture, and is dotted with fascinating places in harmony with nature. The people who live there are also fascinating. We will introduce some of the shops and other places we particularly recommend. Please visit and experience the charm of each place.

- 株式会社 建築意思
- 山口 博之
- Kenchiku-ishi
- Hiroyuki Yamaguchi
Kenchiku-ishi is an architectural design and construction group led by architect Hiroyuki Yamaguchi. Hiroyuki Yamaguchi was born in 1977. He graduated from the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Kyoto Seika University in 2001. After moving to Okinawa in 2006, he established Kenchiku Ishi. He designs and constructs mainly on the main island of Okinawa. His philosophy is that "architecture is a collaborative effort between nature and humans."

- 周辺のおすすめ情報を教えてください。 Can you give me some recommendations for places to visit in the area?
ご予約確定時に宿主おすすめのお店やスポットなどを紹介したリストをお送りします。When your reservation is confirmed, we will send you a list of recommended shops and spots.
- 那覇空港からどれくらいですか? How far is it from Naha Airport?
お車で30~40分。タクシーだと料金は5000円ほどです。It takes 30 to 40 minutes by car, and a taxi will cost around 5,000 yen.
- 海までどれくらいですか? How far is it to the sea?
最寄りのビーチまで車で5分ほどです。The nearest beach is about a 5-minute drive away.
- 夕食はついていますか? Is dinner included?
ゴハンヅクリ藤井さんの出張料理またはオードブルをオプションからおつけすることができます。 周辺にある魅力的なレストランもご予約時にリストでご紹介いたします。You can choose to have Gohandukuri Fujii's delivery food or hors d'oeuvres as an option. We will also provide you with a list of attractive restaurants in the vicinity when you make a reservation.
- 朝食はついていますか? Is breakfast included?
ご予約のオプションから朝食をおつけすることができます。 または、カフェ「浜辺の茶屋」の宿泊者限定の朝食をご予約いただくことも可能です。※「浜辺の茶屋」の朝食ご希望については、チェックイン時に承ります。You can add breakfast to your reservation options. Or you can make a reservation for breakfast at the Hamabe no Chaya cafe, which is available exclusively to guests staying at the hotel. *If you would like to have breakfast at Hamabe no Chaya, let us know at check-in.
- 鍵の受け渡し方法を教えてください。 How do I receive the key?
予約確定時にメールにてセルフチェックイン方法をお伝えいたします。Once your reservation is confirmed, you will receive an email with instructions on how to check in.
- ペットの同伴について。 Can I bring a pet?
ペット同伴のご宿泊は受け入れておりません。We do not accept guests with pets.
- 子供は宿泊できますか? Can children stay?
当施設は水深の深いプール、崖地など小さなお子さんには危険な箇所が多いため、0〜6歳(未就学児)のご宿泊はご遠慮いただいております。小学生は2名まで添い寝で宿泊可能ですが、お子様向けのアメニティなどのご準備はございませんのでご了承ください。As our facility has many dangerous areas for small children, such as a deep pool and cliffs, we do not accept preschool children aged 0-6 years old. Up to two elementary school children can stay in the same bed, but please note that we do not provide amenities for children.
- 予約はどうすればよいですか? How do I make a reservation?
HPのSTAYページからご予約ください。公式予約サイトからのご予約が最安です。Please make a reservation through the STAY page on our website. Booking through the official reservation site is the cheapest.
- 支払い方法を教えてください。 How can I pay?
ご予約いただいた際に登録したクレジットカードで宿泊当日に決済されます。Payment will be made on the day of your stay using the credit card you registered when making your reservation.
- キャンセルしたいのですが。 I would like to cancel.
キャンセルの手続きについては予約されたサイトよりご自身でお願いいたします。Please cancel your reservation through the website you made the reservation through.
- キャンセルポリシーについて。 Cancellation Policy
予約日の7日前以降: 税込宿泊料金の100%
ご予約日の14日前以降: 税込宿泊料金の80%
ご予約日の30日前以降: 税込宿泊料金の50%
(Airbnb、Booking.com等よりご予約の場合は、各OTAのキャンセル規定に順じます)Within 7 days of the reservation date: No refunds
Within 14 days of the reservation date: 20% of the accommodation fee including tax is refunded
Within 30 days of the reservation date: 50% of the accommodation fee including tax is refunded
30 days or more before the reservation date: 100% of the accommodation fee including tax is refunded (If you make a reservation through Airbnb, Booking.com, etc., please follow the cancellation policy of each OTA)
- 901−0611
- 沖縄県南城市玉城富里304-2 304-2 Fusato, Tamagusuku, Nanjō City, Okinawa Prefecture
Google Mapsでmomo Okinawaと検索してください。
It is located 30 minutes by car from Naha Airport.
Search for "momo Okinawa" on Google Maps.
There is a parking lot in front of the inn.
When you arrive, please enter the dome tent.
You can unlock it with the PIN number
we will provide you.